Chrome Snap Away Keyring

Product Code: PR002162
Chrome Snap Away Keyring

Pricing & Branding Options

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  • All prices are per unit & exclude GST
  • Setup Price: Add $85 + GST
  • Price includes one position engraving
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Chrome Snap Away Keyrings have a beautiful chrome silver look with mirror qualities. Chrome Snap Away Keyrings are both stylish and effective for everyday use. Keep your most important keys on the snap away part of the Chrome Snap Away Keyring and leave all your unnecessary clutter on the other side. Next time you go out you will not have to carry the extra weight around. Chrome Snap Away Keyrings are outstanding practical promotion gifts


Product Sizes

50mm(w) x 23mm(h)

Print/Engrave Area
  • 15mm(w) x 15mm(h)
  • Colours

    Matte Silver

    The above colours & measurements are approximate & for guidance only

    Additional Info

    Preferential Branding Option

    Engraving is the preferred branding method for this promotional product item. If you want to print on this product we can not guarantee the print will stay on for any lengthy period of time due to the way the product will be used. Engraving ensures your branding will last for the life of this promotional product

    Product Engraving Colour

    The engraving finish on this item is a silver colour. On a silver product this engraving will be a very subtle effect.

    Additional Product Info

    1. Prices are subject to change at any time and without prior notice.
    2. Prices shown are based on the client supplying suitable artwork.
    3. Freight is additional to prices shown and will be charged at cost.

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