Oblong Rubber Keyring

Product Code: PR001139
Best SellerOblong Rubber Keyring

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Oblong Rubber Keyrings made from flexible rubber material are cheap promotional keyrings to have custom imprinted. You can have both sides customized if you wish, giving you an excellent promotional opportunity for your business. The oblong shape gives a large customizable branding area and they are economical promotional products that you can offer to a large volume of clients at events like conferences or trade shows


Product Sizes

55mm(w) x 35mm(h)

Print Area
  • Front: 35mm(w) x 30mm(h)
  • Back: 35mm(w) x 30mm(h)
  • Colours


    The above colours & measurements are approximate & for guidance only

    Additional Info

    Additional Product Info

    1. Prices are subject to change at any time and without prior notice.
    2. Prices shown are based on the client supplying suitable artwork.
    3. Freight is additional to prices shown and will be charged at cost.

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